The different types of puzzles: their characteristics and difficulty levels
A puzzle is a form of intellectual game that requires logical thinking. It is generally played alone and has many benefits. It’s the best way to sharpen and stimulate your cognitive abilities. There are different types of puzzles with different characteristics and difficulty levels.
Disassembly puzzles
As its name suggests, this game consists of dismantling an assembly of parts. The disassembly puzzle is solved when you can open the puzzle or separate all the pieces. The best known version for this type of puzzle is the secret box. This is a game with a secret opening mechanism. The latter must be opened by successive approximations like Pandora's box.
This category also includes puzzles made up of several metal pieces connected together. This is for example the case of Metal Light bulb, Libere le coeur and others. This type of toy will make an ideal gift idea for a child or even an adult.
Skills puzzles
Unlike other types of puzzles, these are not the most enigmatic. However, this type of game requires reflection and a good sense of observation. Likewise, dexterity and endurance are predominant in some of these games. Mikado and Jenga are among the best-known skill puzzles.
The goal of Mikado is to take as many pieces as possible without moving the other pieces. As for Jenga, it is one of the board and thinking games. It consists of gradually removing the pieces from a tower to replace them at the top until it loses its balance. These skill games require skill, strategy and patience. They are available in different difficulty levels.

Interlocking or 3D puzzles
The interlocking puzzle or 3D puzzle comes in the form of a wooden cube. This is the most famous version of the 3D puzzle. This wooden toy has a high level of difficulty due to its complexity. It comes in the form of an assembly of several parts stacked and blocked to form a structure. The 3D puzzle can take on different aspects, including:
The goal of this game is to completely dismantle the object piece by piece, then reassemble it as in the initial step. In general, success lies in identifying the part called the “key”.
Packages of different mini puzzles are a great gift idea for adults and children alike. Discover the IQstimulus™ from L’Enfant Malin.

Sequential puzzles
The sequential puzzle requires repeated manipulations of the object in order to obtain the required shape and status. This type of game includes several pieces. These must be put in the correct position. Among the most famous sequential puzzles, you will find Rubik’s cube, the Tower of Hanoi or the Taquin. The number of variations is colossal. For the Rubik’s cube, you will find tetrahedral, octahedral, icosahedral variants, etc.
The game consists of varying the orientation of the axis of rotation. Thus, it is possible to generate different puzzles with the same basic figure. It's a fairly easy game, however, the Rubik's cube is too complicated to solve.
The Chinese puzzle or Tangram
Tangram is a very popular Chinese logic game originating from China. However, it quickly spread to other countries such as the USA and Europe. This game consists of recomposing several figures using seven different pieces.
Traditionally, it is a wooden puzzle which is made up of 7 geometric pieces, including 5 in the shape of a triangle, one in the shape of a parallelogram and one in the shape of a square. But you will also find hexagonal versions. It offers the challenge of creating different shapes in a creative way with very simple pieces. It therefore requires creative talent and geometric vision to create these shapes.
The Perplexus puzzle
This type of puzzle is a course game that requires extreme skill. It consists of driving a metal ball from the start of the course to the end, passing through the numbered stages. The game may seem simple, but it is very addictive, especially with its 3D aspect. Manipulating the sphere in all directions to make the ball move can be very fun and entertaining, for both children and adults.
Now, the famous Perplexus puzzle takes on Harry Potter colors. The Harry Potter Perplexus is part of the spherical range. It offers an incredible challenge to all fans of the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you want to know more about the benefits of puzzles for children, read our latest article: "Puzzles for children: how they can help in the development of logical thinking"