Puzzles offer a series of undeniable advantages. Challenging yourself with these puzzles is good for the body and mind. Having a sharp mind that is constantly put to work means you will be healthier in the long run:
- Improves memory 👴🏻
- Works both sides of the brain 🧠
- Improves problem-solving ability 💢
- Improves your mood 😊
- Reduce stress levels 😎
- Improve your IQ💯
Brain training exercises, like brain teasers, have been around for centuries - since biblical times. These are great activities to do alone or with others. Whichever way you prefer to do them, they work your brain.
Archimedes was born around 287 BC in Syracuse, on the island of Sicily. He died in this same city when the Romans captured it after a siege that ended in 212 or 211 BC.
This ancient Greek mathematician is celebrated today for several important contributions to the fields of physics, engineering and astronomy. Inventor of the "Archimedes principle" and the "Archimedes screw". The exclamation “Eureka!” is also attributed to him.He is also credited with the invention of what we call today "the puzzle". His puzzle "Ostomachion" is still played today, and his "cattle problem" was not solved until almost 1700 years after his death!
(@The Strategy Bridge / Archimedes'Feet)
Today, the range of puzzles available goes far beyond logic puzzles and math problems, and some have even become important parts of everyday life. Card games like bridge, poker, French tarot; abstract strategy games like backgammon, chess, checkers, mahjong, modern table games like Diplomacy, Monopoly, and even electronic games like League of Legends and Starcraft all meet some of the widely accepted basic considerations that make a puzzle a puzzle:
✔ It must require logic to be solved
✔ rules (sometimes explicit, sometimes implicit ) dictate the way in which one can interact with him
✔ These rules often force the participant(s) to think outside the box.
As the old saying goes: your memory is the first to go. However, you can keep it in tip-top shape with brain games and puzzles. How does it improve memory? Well, they strengthen the connection between your brain cells, leading to improved brain function in the short term.
When playing brain games, you need to constantly remember shapes and patterns, which strengthens memory. Studies also show that logic game improvesoverall cognitive function and may even reduce brain damage in people with Alzheimer's disease t18>.
If you don't know, the brain has two sides: the right and the left. The left side of your brain is said to be responsible for analytical and logical thinking, while the right side controls creativity.
(@Canva / Right and left brain)
When you do challenging puzzles like Chinese puzzles or puzzles, you exercise both sides of your brain. This results in improved logical skills and creativity.
👏 THINGS TO KNOW = If you are right-handed, your language is mainly stored in your left temporal lobe. If you are left-handed, you are not as lateralized and your language is stored somewhat on both sides of your brain in the temporal lobes.
Problem-solving skills are essential in life. Puzzle games are a great way to sharpen these skills and improve them. These games force us to take different approaches to solving them, we learn to work by trial and error, to formulate and test theories, and to change paths if we fail. The Tangram and Chinese Puzzle constantly challenge you to find new solutions to a variety of complications, giving you the perfect opportunity to exercise your critical thinking skills!
(@Canva / Finding the best way)
A lesser known benefit of the puzzle game is that it improves your mood. Games such as puzzles and jigsaw puzzles for adults increase the production of dopamine - the brain chemical that regulates mood.
When you successfully complete a puzzle, this chemical is released and you feel happier! You will then have a feeling of accomplishment for having worked your brain for half an hour instead of watching a worthless TV program. Rétake a few minutes a day alone or with your family to complete a puzzle or puzzle and your dayée will be just that. best.
(@Canva / Woman relaxing )
Completing a puzzle has a therapeutic effect on our mind. Focusing on a task allows our brain cells to relax, leading to reduced stress. This is another reason why puzzle games are great for your mental health! Our professional lives as well as the constant weight of society on us increase our anxiété naturally. Even if you think everything is fine and you are relaxed, remember that you are unconsciously stressed! The game helps to divert your attention from negative things and therefore reduce your anxiety.
Since brain games improve your logic, your ability to problem solve, your concentration and your spatial reasoning, it Obviously they also increase your IQ.
A study by the University of Michigan found that playing challenging brain games for at least 25 minutes a day can improve your IQ by 4 points.
(@Canva / Right and left brain)
What are you waiting for to put your minds to work? Discover here the best puzzles and puzzles of the moment.
Research shows that mental exercise challenging your brain with number or word puzzles can stimulate your brain activity. This reduces the risk of dementia, reduces everyday boredom and improves focus and memory.
In addition to these 6 proven and essential benefits for improving our mental health and health in general, there is of course the factor of pleasure and sharing! Yes, it's fun to do a puzzle for both adults and children. The notion of sharing can also be highlighted, what could be more convivial than coming together around a magnificent puzzle?
(@Canva / Family time)
We have clearly seen the many benefits of these games for adults, children can also benefit from all these benefitsé néfices but with games adapted to their age.
(@The Smart Child / Collection Casse Tete)
Logic games for children are simpler than those for adults and are designed to quickly capture their attention, while changing from traditional learning. There are many ways to integrate puzzle games into your child or students' lives, from using apps on a smartphone or tablet, to books filled with puzzles, to educational games. or Montessori.
In addition to all the advantages répertoriés précédemment we can note 2 bénévery importantès for the intellectual development of our children:
✔ Improves concentration
All young children have difficulty concentrating and focusing, due to their reduced attention span. Completing a challenging and fun puzzle or puzzle will encourage children to stay focused on a problem longer until it is solved. A puzzle in which they can get lost helps to improve concentration, especially if it is well balanced between simplicity and difficulty. A problem that is too easy is quickly abandoned, and a Chinese puzzle, for example, that is too difficult can arouse anger and a reluctance to try again. Make sure the puzzle you choose is appropriate for the child's age and abilities, and encourage them to continue playing. For educational games adapteded to all ages, décover L'Enfant Malin.
(@Canva / Child Genie)
✔ Stimulates creativity
As we mentioned above, puzzles call on lateral thinking and search for creative solutions. Children's creativity should be encouraged, and a puzzle can help stimulate it. The need to think outside the box to solve a puzzle can be applied to other areas of learning, from art to creative writing to playing games with their friends. Creative thinking can also be used for subjects that have stricter rules, such as math and science, if it helps the student learn better.
Riddles, more commonly called riddles, are linguistic puzzles that use lateral thinking to reach a conclusion. They range from the simplest and easiest to solve to the most serious puzzles, and we have compiled several of the latter for your enjoyment. The main puzzles on this list may require a lot of brain power to solve, but it feels really good when you find one!
(@Canva / Enigma box)
Here is a small selection of famous riddles. Don't look for the answer (at the very bottom of the article) before having given it a little thought:
1/ Before Mount Everest was discovered, which is the highest mountain in the world, what was the highest mountain in the world?
2/ It's completely yours, however, everyone uses it. what is it?
3/ What is the most important thing to prevent a lightning strike from striking down your house?
4/ There is only one question that no one can answer in the affirmative and tell the truth, which is it?
5/ If a plane crashes in the middle of the bridge that connects Mexico and the United States, where will the survivors be buried?
6/ What can break without ever having been in our hands?
7/ Why was a 42-year-old man only able to celebrate 10 birthdays?
8/ Where are Panama hats made?
9/ How many buttons does a shirt have to have to be considered elegant?
10/ Which weighs more: a kilo of cotton or a kilo of lead?
Who knew something fun could be so beneficial?
Now that you know how challenging puzzles can improve your mental health and cognitive functions, it is wise to integrate puzzle solving into your daily life!

We hope to have made this article, the most complete article possible on "WHY DO PUZZLES?". The importance and benefits of puzzle games are now well established, and we are delighted to have enlightened you on their advantages.
If this article interested you, perhaps you would also like to read the article on "Puzzle: What are the benefits for children?".
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Find éalso the best educational games éof the moment on our store L'Enfant Malin, the store serving parents for the happiness of their children.
Answers to puzzles =
1/ Mount Everest has always been the highest mountain, but before no one knew it.
2/ Your name.
3/ Let there be no storm.
4/ Are you sleeping?
5/ Nowhere since they survived the crash.
6/ A promise.
7/ Because he was born on February 29 in a leap year.
8/ In Ecuador.
9/ The shirt must have the same number of buttons as it has holes.
10/ Both have the same weight.